Das Internet steckt voller Kreativität und einfachen Lösungen. Sean Dohan lieferte der Netzgemeinde jetzt eine simple Möglichkeit, sich all ihren Frust über die vergangene Beziehung öffentlich von der Seele zu schreiben. Und traf damit einen Nerv: Derzeit schreiben hunderte Menschen letzte Nachrichten in sein öffentliches Google Doc, die sie gerne ihren Exfreund*innen schicken würden.

Wie Sean den Kolleg*innen von Refinery29 erzählte, entstand die Idee aus Jux beim Mittagessen mit einem Kumpel: "Es gibt unzählige Dinge, die ich gerne meinen Exfreundinnen sagen würde und zu viel habe ich ihnen bereits gesagt." Er ist überrascht darüber, dass sein Dokument so gut ankommt. Er erklärt sich das so: "Menschen lieben es, anonym ins Nichts zu schreiben." Den Reiz mache aus, dass diese eine Frage immer unbeantwortet bliebe: Wem sagen wir diese Dinge und warum? Sean schuf jedenfalls einen sicheren Ort, an dem die Menschen sich anonym aussprechen können und andere anonym reagieren. Einen Tipp hat er auch noch parat: "Schreib deinem Ex nicht heute Nacht. Wenn du es willst, mach's morgen."

Einige der Botschaften sind ziemlich traurig, wieder andere ziemlich gemein, viele sind lustig und einige beinahe poetisch. Sie geben jedenfalls ganz gut wieder, wie unterschiedlich Emotionen nach einer Trennung sein können.

Hier eine kleine Sammlung:

"I tried. I know you did too. I'm sorry things ended up the way they did, and I still kinda hate you for it, but if I had to do it again I would still spend this past year with you. I still wear the stuff you got me"

"i knew it was over when you told me your favorite movie was garden state"

"you're an asshole for never buying me flowers"

stop texting me"

"thanks for introducing me to Happy Endings - glad you got back together with your husband"

"Your dick was great but your heart is not"

"Your new boyfriend looks like a toad."

"I was 18 when we started dating. You worked at Wendy's, had no life, and lived with your dad. You were 23. You broke up with me 2 months after I took your virginity. I fled the state in hopes you'd come and profess your love for me at the airport. I was wrong. It took a long time to get over you. Years have past and I am now a neonatal RN, married, and have 2 loving children. Where are you? Still working at Wendy's and living at home with daddy. Karma man. Karma"

you cheated first but I cheated more?"

"Wow, I'm so much better off without you."

"I'm so sorry. I wish I had fallen in love with you."

"remember how you thought i was too dumb to get into princeton? well i don't see YOUR acceptance letter anywhere, who gets the last laugh nowwww"

"You're incredible and I'm sorry I broke your heart."

"A breeze hit my leg by the stove the other day and I thought it was the cat, but then I remembered I don't live with the cat anymore. I cried. When you venmo'ed me your half of the couch and desk at work, I went to the bathroom. I cried. Thank god for single-stall, gender-neutral bathrooms. My therapist says I'll be your biggest regret, but I pay him to say things like that. My friends say you're a dick, but they're my friends. I say that I miss you and I miss the inside jokes and language we had that's now a dead religion no one practices. I'm still shaken by our breakup, and trying to rebuild myself. I wish you had held my hand more, and I wish I had been gentler."

"I want my fucking hat back"

I wore your deodorant all the time. That's why you were always running out."

"You're a fucking liar and I honestly hope I never have to see, hear or think about you for the rest of my life. And yeah, I did have to be drunk to fuck you towards the end. Thinking about you naked now makes me want to vomit."

"Was she worth it?"

"I still have your dog."

"I cleaned you that time you pooped your pants"

You always tell me our love was right person wrong time. Why can't we be the right time now?"